Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Declaration of the Victorious

[taken from my Twitter page]

Can I talk my ish for a minute folks? I mean, can I reflect with yall real quick?

Yall know I have an overactive you know for the past few days I've been doing some thinking and re-evaluating about life...And while I am turned off to the XY folks, I want to say that all of them aren't bad people and are not dogs. Its safe (and truthful) to say that i'm a woman scorned....and instead of adding 2 the cycle of hurt people hurting others I'm staying 2 myself. Its so many ufcked up individuals going around taking their pain out on those who are happy with life and its not fair. Its like they spot the happy folks, use their disguised pain as a speed trap...then take themselves to a new victim. If you're not aware of the games people play then you can fall victim to it too. It can become a cycle...a spiritually deadly one. Unhappy people are at war with EVERYONE and will do ANYTHING to increase their it abuse, STDs, lies, deceit. You Can't Lose. DON'T lose. Each day that goes by that you do not improve and protect yourself from them...a part of your spirit dies. You must remove their venom from your body before it gets to your vital organs; let misery find someone else for company. It is these unhappy people (and those who havent sought treatment for their misfortune) who fuel these generational our future generations the same "death" sentence if not worse because we'd rather live with it "quietly" than face it and eliminate it. STOP IT!

To my Unhappy Folk:
You LOSE. You lost before you even began fighting. You will not find solace in my comradery in this war against everything happy because I WILL NOT JOIN YOU. You may not want to live anymore...but YOU WON'T take me down with you. While I wish you would reclaim your life, if you want to hurt do it on your yourself. Let my resiliency be great. Leave me alone, I speak victory over Unhappy folk...when will you realize that no matter how many people you bring into your misery you STILL FEEL ALONE?! lose. You've been a loser...and until you acknowledge the lack of basis in your "fight" you will STAY a loser.

Whew...I almost forgot who I am, what I'm made of, and WHOSE I am. Ha...not this time...and not anytime soon.

I know I'm not the only one fighting off the painful folks...that's why I'm saying what I'm saying here. I've dealt with too much this past year....depression, abuse, deceit, battered self worth, disrespect of self and from others...I'm NOT GOING BACK. I'm not holding it in anymore, SOMEONE needs to hear my story...see my know they arent ALONE. I'm on some warrior victory flag BEEN waving at the top...I just need to get there to grasp it. I've always been determined to get what I want...but if I didn't learn anything these past few years I know that if I'm going to strive in this world im gonna have to FIGHT my way through it.

I realize through the friendship of some of my male friends that there are still MEN around, and while I am boycotting the male species for a while the ones who are not only living up to the title of "man" but exceeding it should be acknowledged and appreciated.

Big ups to the KINGS who are constantly building the worth of their crown and what resides under the crown.
Big ups to the KINGS who acknowledge the ripple effect of their actions and govern themselves accordingly.
Big ups to the KINGS who protect and defend the honor of the women closest to them AT ALL COSTS.
Big ups to the KINGS who serve as accountability partners for their male friends, letting them know that their reckless behavior is not excusable by the lack of a wedding band or a relationship.
Big ups to my QUEENS who know that they aren't broken glass in Tiffany boxes....keep fighting the good fight.
Big ups to my QUEENS who do not bow to the temptation of instant gratification and keep their dignity in constant consideration.
Big ups to my QUEENS who provide themselves as a support system to the kings...even if it goes ignored or refused.
Big ups to my QUEENS who know there is something better for themselves and will discard of those who choose to disagree with her standards.
And big ups to my KINGS and QUEENS wiping the soot off of their prisms to let Light shine through it .

I love you all...especially those who have a firm grasp on their worth and morals. For those who don't I still love'll come around. Giving up on your morals will do nothing but dig yourself into a deeper hole that you're already struggling to get out of. If nobody else will tell you the truth, I WILL. I meant everything I said in this note. Making someone else feel your pain WILL NOT get rid of yours, so just stop. Regain control over your life, your happiness, and for God's sake PLEASE STOP INFLICTING MENTAL/PHYSICAL/EMOTIONAL PAIN ONTO OTHERS. If you have a problem or know someone who does...please DONT be quiet about it....SEEK HELP. Do not ignore the elephant in the room, don't let their pain boomerang back to you or your inner circle. Its okay to get counseling...its okay to go to the doctor...its okay to TELL SOMEONE. When I say this stuff on twitter [facebook] I'm speaking to myself as well...and since I know most of yall I expect you to hold me to my word.

If you dont pick up anything from this note at least remember this: speak life on those around you....its a torch while we walk in the valley of the shadow of death. Someone needs your light besides yourself; no man is an island.